Sumaiya Afrose Suma

PhD (to be) Completed: 2024~2028
Thesis: "TBD"
Previous University: (Assistant Professor on-Leave) Civil Engineering Department, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Ming Xi (Melvyn) Li

PhD (to be) Completed: 2024~2028
Thesis: "TBD"
Previous University: University of Toronto, Canada
Felita Ong

PhD (to be) Completed: 2022~2026
Thesis: "Modeling On-Demand Mobility Demand Generation and Services"
Previous University: University of Toronto, Canada
Kaili Wang

PhD (to be) Completed: 2021~2025
Thesis: "Next-Generation Travel Demand Forecasting Model"
Previous University: University of Toronto, Canada
Yicong (Nora) Liu

PhD (to be) Completed: 2021~2025
Thesis: "Next Generation Integrated Land Use and Transportation Model"
Previous University: University of Waterloo and University of Toronto
Sk Mashrur

PhD Completed in Aug 2023: 2019~2023
Thesis: "In-Depth Analyses of Transit Demand Resilience: Guiding Frameworks for Policy Developments toward Sustainable Future Urban Transit"
Assistant Professor, Civil Engg, BUET
Patrick Loa

PhD Completed in Dec 2023: 2019~2023
Thesis: "Investigating Under-researched Aspects of On-Demand Mobility"
Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Davis
Previous University: University of Toronto, Canada
Saeed Shakib

PhD Completed in July 2023: 2019~2023
Thesis: "Capturing Residential Preference Changes through Perception Detections of Rationally Inattentive Decision Makers"
Transportation Engineer, MTO
Alireza Dianat

PhD (to be) Completed: 2019~2023
Thesis: "Modelling Time-Use and Activity Engagement Tradeoffs"
Previous University: Sharif University, Iran
Md Faizus Salehin

PhD (to be) Completed: 2017~2022
Thesis: "Modelling Travel Demand Model Considering Automated Vehicle System"
Assistant Professor (on-leave), Civil Engg, BUET
Sanjana Hossain

PhD Completed in Fall 2022: 2017~2022
Thesis: "Data Fusion Methods to Support Travel Demand Modelling in Emerging Contexts"
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Civil Engg, NorthWestern University, IL, CH
Zohreh Rashedi

PhD Completed in Fall 2021: 2014~2021
Thesis: "Mode Choice Modelling Considering Uncertainty in Input Data"
Data Scientist, Toronto
Jason Hawkins

PhD Completed in Spring 2021; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Modelling Spatial Location Choice and Transition for a Changing Urban Landscape"
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Sami Hasnine

PhD Completed in Winter 2019; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Tour-Based Mode Choice Model for CUSTOM Framework"
Professor of Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech
Saidal Akbari

PhD Completed in Spring 2018; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Land-use and Transportation Interactions through the Lenses of Two-Worker Households, Rising Commuting Costs and Transit-Oriented Development"
Senior Associate, STANTEC Toronto
Adam Weiss

PhD Completed in Fall 2017; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Role of Intra-Household Interactions in Activity-Daily Travel Demand"
Professor of Civil Engineering, Carleton University
Leila Dianat

PhD Completed in Fall 2017; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Modelling Weeklong Scheduling of Non-Work Activities: An Application of CUSTOM"
Senior Engineer/Manager, Metrolinx
Sarah Salem

PhD Completed in Summer 2016; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Enhancing Temporal Transferability of Activity-Based Models by using Repeated Crossectional Travel Survey Data"
Professor, Civil Engineering, Cairo University
Mohammed Salah Mahmoud

PhD Completed in Spring 2015; University of Toronto
Thesis: "Demand Modelling of Cross-Regional Intermodal Commuting Trips in Multi-modal Networks"
Senior Data Scientist at Uber, Toronto
Ahmed Osman Idris

PhD Completed in Spring 2013; At the University of Toronto
Thesis: "Modal Shift Forecasting Planning for Transit Service Planning"
Professor, Arab Academy for Science, Tech & Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Alexandria, Egypt