34. Jieh Min Wong
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2024
Thesis: "Day-Specific Weeklong Network Model for the GTHA"
33. Bianka Zhang
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2024
Thesis: "Exploratory Analysis of Day-to-Day Travel Behaviour: A Box-Cox Regression Approach"
32. Tyler Hu
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering Science, UofT, 2024
Thesis: "Integrating Micromobility in the Transportation System of the Town of Oakville"
31. Lucas Augustyn
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2024
Thesis: "Creating and Analyzing a Micro-Scale SUMO Simulation Model of West Oakville Informed by GTASim"
30. Alec Mac
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2024
Thesis: "Transit Fare Estimation from an Agent-Based Multimodal Simulation Model in MATSim"
29. Oliver Liang
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2019
Thesis: "Comparative Study on Level of System Optimum that can be Achieved by various levels of Transportation Automation"
28. David Boroto
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2019
Thesis: "Use of Shared Mobility Services to Alleviate Transport Related Social Exclusion of Homeless People in the City of Toronto"
27. Kaili Wang
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2019
Thesis: "Investigating People’s Willingness to Pay for Automation in their Cars"
26. Daming Gao
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2018
Thesis: "Investigating Bicycle Travel Demand in the City of Toronto"
25. Patrick Loa
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2017
Thesis: "Predicting Travel Demand of Elderly Population in the GTHA"
24. Albert Lo
UG Thesis in Industrial Engineering, UofT, 2017
Thesis: "High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes in GTHA: A Review"
23. Herman Hui
UG Thesis in Engineering Engineering, UofT, 2016
Thesis: "Investigating Equity Issue Related to Flat Fare System of Toronto Transit Commission"
22. Danhui Li
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "Investigating Aggregate Travel Demand Stability in the GTA"
21. Zijun (Nichole) He
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "The Role of Sample Size in Model Prediction Uncertainty"
20. Shashank Pulikanti
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "Investigating Choice Making Behaviour in Transportation: Role of Psychology and Choice Context"
19. Brian Lui
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "Activity Type Choice Set for Activity Scheduling Model"
18. Patrick Zerr
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2014
Thesis: "Destination Location Choice for Activity-Based Modelling"
17. Fabian Chow
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "Investigating Input Uncertainty of Travel Demand Models"
16. Luigi La Corte
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2015
Thesis: "Investigating the appropriateness of P3 procurement for Canadian municipalities"
15. Waif El-Assi
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2014
Thesis: "Investigating Factors Influencing Bike Sharing Demand in Toronto"
14. Nicole Tan
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "Evaluating Effects of Bike Infrastructure on Bike Commuting in the National Capital Region"
13. Mohammed Rashed
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "Determining Trip Activity Using Smartphone Data and Location-based Algorithm"
12. Agina Mung
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "Investigating Reverse Commuting Trends in the National Capital Region of Canada"
11. Jenessa Man
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "Quantifying Built Environment Impact on Bicycle Travel Behaviour in the City of Toronto"
10. Naveed Enam
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2012
Thesis: "The investigation into Incorporating Signal System in Transportation Planning Network by Using MATSim"
09. Ishwar Purushottam
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "Developing a MATSim Auto Assignment Model for the National Capital Region"
08. Vivian Hui
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2013
Thesis: "An Investigation of Transport-related Exclusion for the At-Risk Community in Toronto"
07. Ryan Sostarich
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2012
Thesis: "Connecting Risky Driving Behaviour to Travel Demand"
06. Shahrzad Borjian
UG Thesis in Civil Engineering, UofT, 2012
Thesis: "Investigating Intra-Household Joint Trip Making Behaviour in Toronto"
05. Rob Dunlop
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2012
Thesis: "Investigating the Relationship between Accessibility and the Level of Bicycle Use in Toronto"
04. Balazs Hertel
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2011
Thesis: "Benchmarking Nonmotorized Transportation Demand for GTA"
03. Landy Cheung
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2011
Thesis: "Investigating the Evolution of System Dynamics: Transportation Demand-Supply Interactions Over time in GTHA"
02. Tim Cheng
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2011
Thesis: "Investigating the Accuracy of Travel Cost Estimates in DUE Traffic Assignment Model"
01. Michael J. Lee
UG Thesis in Engineering Science, UofT, 2011
Thesis: "Comparing Travel Behaviour in Two Cities: Toronto and Ottawa"