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June 2024, Summer 2024 Research Group Lunch

Nov 30, 2023, Patrick Defending his PhD thesis

Jan 2024, TDMG members: Existing and Alum

July 25, 2023, Mashrur Defending his PhD thesis

July 13, 2023, Saeed Defending his PhD thesis

Oct 28, 2022, Sanjana Defending her PhD thesis

Nov 8, 2022, Group Lunch Farewaling Dr. Sanjana Hossain and Xin Guan

Dec 12, 2022, TDMG at 16th IATBR Conference, Santiago, Chile

July 27 2022, End of Summer (TRB Prep) Group Lunch

June 2022, the First Post-Pandemic Group Lunch after March 2020

2022 TRB AM: Thursday Workshop Panel (with Chandra Bhat, Hani Mahmassani, and Cinzia Cirillo) on COVID-19 Impacts on Travel Demands

2022 TRB AM: Thursday Workshop Panel (with Chandra Bhat, Hani Mahmassani, and Cinzia Cirillo) on COVID-19 Impacts on Travel Demands

2022 TRB AM: January 9-13, Washington DC

Zohreh Successfully Defended (with flying colours) her PhD Thesis (Dec 03, 2021)

Michael Wagner is Discussing on Land Use and Transportation Interaction Models with some of our graduate students (Nov 25, 2021)

Jason Successfully Defended (with flying colour) his PhD thesis virtually (March 2021)

Weekly Group Meeting (Aug 2020-Before TRB Submissions) after COVID-19 Lockdown on March 17-2020

First online Weekly Group Meeting (March 2020) after COVID-19 Lockdown on March 17-2020

2020 TRB Meeting, the one just before COVID-19 pandemic started. 3 out of 4 of my Students from here became Professors before the Pandemic Ends

Convocation_Nov 08, 2019: Patrick (completed MASc), Albert (completed MASc), Wenting (completed MASc), Oliver (Completed BASc), Sina Bahrami (PhD with Matt)

M.A.Sc Convocation of Sina Azizisoldouz, Nov 2019

My Group just Wrapped up a Successful Summer (in terms of research), July 2019

Wenting just Presented her Thesis on the Competition of Uber and TTC (Aug 2019)

Albert and Patrick just completed their MASc thesis presentations (July 2019)

Sami's PhD Convocation (June 2019)

Sami just defended his PhD Thesis (Feb 2019)

Fall BBQ-Some of my students (October 2018)


2018 IATBR, Santa Barbara, California. Eric just won the Lifelong Achievement Award

2018 IATBR, Santa Barbara, California. Eric just won the Lifelong Achievement Award

Saidal just successfully defended his PhD Thesis: March 26-2018

Fall BBQ-Some of my students (September 2017)

Laila just successfully defended her PhD Thesis (With Examiners Yoram Shiftan and Eric) in Nov 22-2017

Adam just successfully defended his PhD Thesis: Oct 2-2017, the day before Yana came!

TTS2.0 Summer Research Team, July 2017

Tian and Teddy, their Masters Convocation in Nov 2017

Dinner, during 2017 TRB meeting, Washington DC

Gulfam Jannat Presenting at 2016 TRB Annual Meeting

With proud parents of Wafic El-Assi in his MASc convocation in November 2016

With proud parents of Vivian in her MASc convocation in November 2015

Ending a Presentation at 2015 IATBR in London, UK, July 2015

Happy Sami: MASc Convocation in June 2015

Elli just successfully defended MASc thesis, so we wend to lunch: October 2014, Toronto

Paper from Jenessa Mann's undergrad thesis at TRB along with my other students: January 2014, Wahsington DC

Ahmed Osman Idris (My first PhD Student) Finished Defending his PhD Thesis: August 2013, U of T

Presenters (My Students) of First UTTRI Workshop on Advances in Modelling Methods: October 2013, U of T

CUPUM Conference_Banff, Albert 2011

Presenting my PhD Thesis for Eric Pass Competition, IATBR, Jaipur-India, Dec 2009

Yana - the best award that I am ever awarded (May 2019)

us: May 2015, U of T

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